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This is the part where people say they've always been passionate about music, right? But that's not really the case. I grew up around music - the first thing my dad did in the morning was switch on Radio 1, and the last thing I did at night was drop my portable CD player out of my bed. It wasn't until I was a little older that I realised that level of dedication was abnormal, that other people didn't have every moment soundtracked by their favourite artists or spend hours creating playlists that felt more like soundtracks.

At seventeen, I was enrolled in an astrophysics degree at Edinburgh University, where I became immersed in the local music scene and spent at least as much time on charity punk gigs and organising Scotland's first cyber goth night as on black holes and complex mathematics. Since then I've been a tour assistant, a merch girl, an artist assistant, a music business student, a label intern and a social media consultant, anything to keep investing my passion in helping other people express theirs.


Working with local artists and labels to advise on social media best practice, branding, visual aesthetics, audience engagement, and harnessing the power of digital to express their individualities.


Music Business BA (First Class). A broad range of music industry topics with a focus on innovative marketing, adding value, and embracing fandom in a digital age.


Developing visual identity for social media pages, writing press releases, creating artist EPKs, writing and posting social copy, maintaining databases of press contacts.


Working with internationally touring acts in a range of positions, from slanging merch to organising currency and monitoring social media. Frequently the one rushing about making sure everyone's on the bus.